BerlinerID - Deutschkurse in Berlin des IIK Duesseldorf WerbungSommerkurse IIK Düsseldorf

Partner in DaF-Netzwerk - Germany

"Duisburg-Essen University / Campus Essen - English department, functional area III" is one of the participants from Germany in DaF-Südost Netzwerk. Beside the english information below you will find more detailed information in german on this site.

This partner is working in the field of training future language teachers and developing teaching materials. Research in the Institute focusses on applied linguistics and SLA (second language acquisition), EFL (English as a Foreign Language) methodology & didactics, computer assisted & technology-enhanced language learning (CALL &TELL) , and corpus linguistics. Further areas of expertise are psycholinguistics, bilingualism, and language acquisition at primary (elementary) school levels. In addition, the Institute co-ordinates the school practice and area & cultural studies (Landeskunde) elements of the curriculum at the Department of English.

The following areas can be identified as the special expertise of the team:

  • Designing virtual learning environments
  • Media evaluation and consulting
  • Teacher training
  • New methods and approaches to Foreign Language Learning

Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) , Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) and related issues are the major focus of all activities in the institute. These include the evaluation of new learning environments, enriched by the new media, as well as R & D on virtual resources and the integration of virtual learning arrangements into language learning curricula.

Current Projects (selection)

  • READERS (Development of a strategy trainer for reading and text comprehension skills (joint R & D with the Bergische Universität-GH Wuppertal (Prof. Dr. Wolff)
  • AIRLINE TALK (Development of CD-ROM-based materials for language and communication training for the airline industry (LEONARDO project ).
  • STAGING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING (Advisory capacity in a Socrates-LINGUA-Project aimed at integrating the use of new technologies into task-based learning scenarios with an emphasis on drama and play-acting in language learning. Its results will be integrated into concepts for teacher training at a European level).
  • VIRTUAL LANGUAGE CENTRE (Developing and implementing a concept for a virtual language centre at Essen University focused on integrating conventional and internet-based courses for students and staff across all faculties).

Selected publications:

  • Kallenbach, Ch. & Ritter, M.: Computerideen für den Englischunterricht, Cornelsen, Berlin 2000
  • Rüschoff, B.; Wolff, D.: Fremdsprachenlernen mit dem Computer: Neue Möglichkeiten zur Förderung von Fremdsprachenkenntnissen für den Beruf, W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld 1997 (2. ed. 2000)
  • Rüschoff, B.; Wolff, D.: Fremdsprachenlernen in der Wissensgesellschaft, Hueber, München 1999
  • Rüschoff, B.: "Construction of Knowledge as the Basis of Foreign Language Learning, in: Mißler, B. & Multhaup, U. (Hrsg): The Construction of Knowledge, Learner Autonomy and Related Issues, Stauffenberg Verlag, Tübingen 1999
  • Rüschoff, B.: Wissenskonstruktion als Grundlage fremdsprachlichen Lernens, Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen (FLuL), 28, 1999
  • Ritter, Markus, Kallenbach, Christiane, Pankhurst, James: "The 'all-inclusive' tutor - excluding learner autonomy?", ReCALL Journal, 11, 1, 1999, 111-116

Further information:

Key person/ expert responsible in the network:

Prof. Dr. Bernd Rüschoff is the Head of the Department. He studied English, Slavonic Languages, Philosophy and Education at the University of Münster (Germany), the University of Alberta (Canada) and at the University of London, where he obtained a PhD in Russian Linguistics. Since then, his research focus has been in applied linguistics and second language acquisition as well as Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL).

He has bee involved in developing and organizing language learning programs for in-company training and vocational language programs at university level. Furthermore, he has wide experience in developing technology enhanced learning systems. Over the past decades he has participated in a number of projects dealing with the development and assessment of such systems and multi-media resources for language learning as well as the integration of Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) into language learning.

He has been involved in a number of European projects (LINGUA, TEMPUS as well as SOCRATES and LEONARDO) and contributed to various Council of Europe activities, e.g. as a director of studies in Modern Languages "New Style" workshops. He is a member of the Executive Committee of EUROCALL (European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning); he is also a member of the Executive Council of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (German Association of Applied Linguistics). From 1993 to 1998 he held a professorship in Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) at the Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe, where his research focused on aspects of second language acquisition and TELL exploitation based on cognitive-constructivist approaches.

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