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Partner in DaF-Netzwerk - Hungária

"Batthyány Kázmér High School" is the participant from Hungária in DaF-Südost Netzwerk. Beside the english information below you will find more detailed information in german on this site.

Batthyány Kázmér Gymnázium, a state school, has been operating for 11 years. It is an eight-grade secondary school near the capital city of Budapest. The pupils come from the neighboring towns and villages and they are selected through entrance exams. Important major subjects are foreign languages and computer studies. Pupils can learn English, German, French and Latin at the school. The pupils learn German during the first four years with 10 hours a week and then 5 hours a week.

6 teachers work in the German team. Staff members are also working for the Goethe-Institute in Budapest also being involved in the training of German teachers. The school is taking great effort to establish international connections through student exchanges with Germany, Austria, Greece, France, Lithuania, Finland and Italy. It takes part in five SOCRATES projects. The school is involved in three Comenius-1 projects. The school takes part in two in-service language teacher training projects in the framwork of COMENIUS 2, and coordinates a LINGUA-D project aiming at the development of German teaching materials on culture and literature to support German teaching ("Deutsch für MOE"). More information at:

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