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Partner in DaF-Netzwerk - Slovenia

"University of Ljubljana, German Department" is the participant from Slovenia in DaF-Südost Netzwerk. Beside the english information below you will find more detailed information in german on this site.

With its 35,000 undergraduate and post-graduate students participating in more than 130 undergraduate and 110 post-graduate programes, the University ranks among the biggest universities in the world scale. The Philosophical Faculty has approx. 6,000 students in 20 departments. In the German department there are 23 full-time teachers (8 PhD, 9 MA). Several of them are taking part in international projects (medieval literature, literature, linguistics etc.)

Within the German department there is a small department for didactics of German as a Foreign Language (DaF) with three teachers (1 PhD, 2 MA). In lectures and workshops the students - the future teachers - get elementary theoretical knowledge of the methodology and didactics as well as the practical experience in schools (through on-field observation). The department also organizes teacher training workshops. The department is taking part in a SOCRATES program called "PERiscop" (within COMENIUS 2.1) together with German and Czech institutions in the field of teacher training and developing new teaching materials on European themes. Further information:

Key person/expert responsible in the network:

Dr. Ana Marija Muster has studied German, French and English. She has been an English teacher in Primary and a French Teacher in secondary education, she has headed a German language institute for adult education and worked as free consultant and language trainer for several companies. In 1995 she received her PhD in the field Error Analysis. Since 1991 she has been lecturer at the University of Ljubljana. Her research focuses on morphology and didactics of German.

She has authored several textbooks for GFL in adult education, a learners' grammar of German with exercises, and textbook for university students of German on German linguistics. She writes regularly for Slovenian journals on topics of German teaching and learning and has given talks at many conferences, both national and international. She is member of the Slovenian committee for Final High School Examinations, head of the German Language Committee in the School Office and Member of the Foreign Language Committee in the Ministry of Education.

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