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Partner in DaF-Netzwerk - Poland

The "Autonomous Secondary School of Gdansk" is the participant from Poland in DaF-Südost Netzwerk. Beside the english information below you will find more detailed information in german on this site.

The independent school was founded by the Gdanska Fundacja Oswiatowa (Gdansk Educational Fundation) on the eve of the historic political transformation that took place in 1989. The name of the school was initially meant to symbolize its autonomy from the inefficient communist state school system, and over the years came to be associated with high quality, innovative education. School and its certificates are officially recognized by Polish Ministry of Education.

Since its foundation in 1989 the school has has managed to combine high quality teaching with a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. A recent school survey showed that most of the pupils declare that they chose the school because "it enjoys a fine reputation" and is "high on the ranking lists of secondary schools." Originally only an Upper High School (grades 10-12), the Lower High School (grades 7-9) was founded in 2001 and has a quickly increasing umber of pupils.

Currently there are almost 500 pupils of both sexes aged 12 to 18 grouped in classes of 16 to 18 pupils. Entering candidates have to pass an entrance exam. All pupils study English and they choose another language from German, French, Spanish, Italian or Russian. Almost one forth of the pupils study Latin.

The school employs many language teachers, all with university degrees: 12 Polish teachers, 6 English, 3 German, 2 French, 1 Spanish, 1 Italian, 1 Latin, 1 Russian. Although most of them are 25-40 years old, several of them hold university positions, establishing a lively cooperation with the University of Gdansk, and one teacher (on leave from the school) is currently a member of parliament. The school has its own library, a modern computer lab, a network with Internet access, and modern biology, physics & chemistry laboratories.

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