BerlinerID - Deutschkurse in Berlin des IIK Duesseldorf Werbungintensive courses german

Partner in DaF-Netzwerk - Bulgaria

The "Konstantin-Preslavsky-University Schumen and Teacher Training Institute Varna" is one of the participants from Bulgaria in DaF-Südost Netzwerk. Beside the english information below you will find more detailed information in german on this site.

Shumen University was founded on the site of a Teacher Training College established at the beginning of the century and is today an independent University. Currently at Shumen University there are about 7700 students (both full-time and part-time). The Teacher Training Department in Varna, established in 1955, is also part of the university structure. B.A.-degree-students can acquire "Teacher of German at secondary high school" qualification.

The Department organizes and carries out various forms of upgrading the professional qualification of educational staff in the system of secondary school education: instructive, thematic and compound courses; practice seminars and trainings for acquiring and improving professional skills; professional and educational specialized courses. The Department has Training Centres for foreign languages. Regularly courses are organized for German teachers and using of ICT (in modules).

Every academic year the Department trains about 5,000 people: teachers, headmasters, educational advisors, educators and experts at the Ministry of Education and Science. The awarding of educational staff with professional and qualification degrees is a significant part of the Department's work.

The research of the Department's staff is primarily connected with improving and modernizing of the system of secondary school education in Bulgaria. Every year the department hosts important national and international conferences. At least 7 persons will be involved in the proposed network activities.

In the field of German, the Department has an on-going partnership with local primary and secondary comprehensive and bilingual schools in Varna and Shumen, where ICT programs have been introduced (3 bilingual schools, 2 math schools, 1 school of economics, 5 vocational schools).

The German Department takes part in many international projects such as:

  • TEMPUS JEP 07307 (1994-1998) - Professional Development of Teachers and Teacher trainers - East Bulgaria
  • CEEPUS BG 5 (1995 - 2002), ERASMUS ECTS (20020- 2002) European credit transfer system

For further information consult or

Key person/expert responsible in the network:

Dr. Ivanka Kamburova-Milanova, is Chair for German as a Foreign Language at Shumen University und Head of the German Department at Varna Teacher Training Institute. She studied German at the Universities of Leipzig and Munich (Germany) and received her PhD in 1987 in the field of GFL methodology. She has taken part in conferences and seminars in Austria, Germany and Portugal, she has worked as a translator, editor's assistant at Varna Broadcasting, Officer of International Relations at Varna Technical University and she has organized herself workshops and conferences in Bulgaria and abroad. In 1990 she became Assistant Professor for GFL at the Varna Teacher Training Institute, and since 1992 she has been Associated Professor of Didactics of Foreign Languages at Shumen University. She is member of the International Jury "BMW Award for International Learning".

The network community is open for participants from all over the world.You can easily register as a member of the community, if you are interested in innovation and European consciousness in methodology and practice of German teaching and learning. As a member you can discuss in a protected area of the website direct with all partners of the network-project and you and your institution are listed on the member site with a link to your own homepage.

Online-registration as a member.

Do you have questions? Please contact us.